Have a Happy Friday!

It’s still a bit early morning here. I look out my window and see a skift of snow laying on the ground. I so long for a good deep snow, at least one before the winter season is over! Since we’ve been living here on Dragonfly Farm we have yet to see and enjoy a good deep snow. I like to get out and go hiking in the snow. It’s so incredibly quiet plus I enjoy seeing footprints of various critters! Ah, well, maybe soon! We’ll see.

So here I am warm and toasty enjoying my morning coffee planning out a brand new day. This week has been stressful for some reason. Do you ever have those? Stressful weeks filled with stops and starts. I’ve also fought some really tormenting dreams which has robbed me of solid restful sleep too! Not good! Not sure why unless it’s just the devil being a punk! He does that..trying to steal, kill and destroy but he forgets he’s defeated! lol

But I am determined to have a wonderful day. Besides this is the day the Lord has made and I’m gonna have a great one! Right!?!


I have some writing to finish up, forms to create and email out. Already kickin’ it on housework! That’s the cool thing of working from home! I bounce back and forth between both. Though sometimes I get bogged down and seem to spin my wheels. When I write out my to-do list it helps greatly!

I hope your day is good! That you are at peace and feeling rested!

You are a beautifully created unique individual! No one else can do what you’re designed to do.


Have a wonderful Friday!

By pamelarichardswoodall

Wife to my amazing soulmate, author, visionary, enjoying life adventures, a voice 4 the voiceless


    1. Morning to ya!
      Thanks so much for stopping by thus morning!
      Just got up a bit ago and enjoying my first cup of coffee for the day. Went outside when I first got up and it’s warm and not raining!! A good thing to be sure!
      Still feel a bit groggy but am excited! I had a major breakthrough yesterday being able to find healing for an issue that’s dogged me since childhood! It’s a great day for a great day!
      Hope you too are rested and feeling well!
      And that it’s a lovely day for you!

      Liked by 1 person

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