9 Ways to Keep Your Happy On!

But how, you ask?

Photo by Vie Studio on Pexels.com

Ways I use to keep my happy going! (In no particular order.)

* Turn the tv off, especially the news!
That can be so toxic. I refuse to allow fear to enter our home, and sadly, much of the news of late is stuffed full of fear! If you pay the bills in your home, then you also control the remote! Turn it off!!

*Take a nap!
Remember when we were kids and our parents made us take a nap….and we had a fit! Yeah, well….I am learning how to greatly appreciate a nap even if it’s a short one!

*Go sit in the woods!
I’m so very grateful we live in the country and the woods are right outside my window just past our front yard! Sit out in nature to refresh your soul!

*Take a long bath in warm Epsom salts!
Since we’ve been in this moving season for weeks now, I’ve gained a new appreciation of sitting in a hot bath! Loosens up the joints and eases the pain.

*Play a silly game!
I will caution you here to not let yourself spend hours doing this. I’ve allowed myself to get sucked into gaming and for me, it’s a hard addiction to overcome. Do so in measured time.

*Organize something!
I’ve learned when we, when I, have order in my surroundings, I feel much better emotionally! The external clutter will invade my peace of mind and create internal clutter and unrest.

*Color a favorite picture!
Find a favorite coloring book. But they big box of crayons….you know, like we had when we were kids! And color to your heart’s content! (I don’t believe they have the color magenta any more. That was my favorite!)

*Fix a big ole mug of hot chocolate!
Put lots of little marshmallows in it…if that’s your thing I don’t care for them but I know folks who do! And slowly spit it enjoying each and every sip.

*Phone a friend!
In this day of modern technology, we rarely pick up the phone and actually talk. These days, our phones can do almost anything ‘cept make coffee. Some might even be able to do that if there’s an app for it!

Right now, in Southern Kentucky, USA, I have the windows open with warm breezes blowing through. It’s 71 degrees! I can look out my window at the surrounding hills and see the evidence of recent winds having made the trees naked. I just love the view outside my eastern-facing office window. (I know, I need to clean the stickers off. We’ve only been here four weeks. Whew…so much yet to do!)

Seriously though, please make time for you in your daily world. Right now, there’s so much crazy being unleashed!





And on and on and on….

Took this picture this morning from my chair in the living room. Look at those beautiful clouds!!

We really can’t control what’s around us, only what’s within us.

You can choose to keep yer happy on!

For me, most importantly, I turn to the Word of God, my relationship with Jesus is why I’m still alive! He has seen me through so very much! In Him I live and breathe!

I pray blessings over you!

You are NOT alone!!

If you need to reach out, feel free to email me at: pamelajwoodall@yahoo.com

By pamelarichardswoodall

Wife to my amazing soulmate, author, visionary, enjoying life adventures, a voice 4 the voiceless

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